Unique Therapy
Immersed in Virtual Reality

Increase the effectiveness of therapy with innovative VR technology. Discover tools that support neurodevelopment, offering engaging and interactive experiences that you can implement in your work today.

About Us

Who are we?

Our story began in 2019 when at a joint family dinner we decided to combine our family super powers and many years of experience in the areas of education, therapy, psychology and development of AR, VR, mobile and web applications. This is how Unicorn VR World was born. Since then, we've been doing our best to use VR technology to do good in education, therapy, psychology and psychiatry.

We are driven by a passion for VR technology, which we base on the analysis of more than 40 years of academic research on the use of VR and translate it into our own research, thanks to which the products we create are effective and proven.

What distinguishes us are 3 elements:



Our author Terapeuty VR course It gives you the opportunity to know Magic VR into daily work with students, patients and clientsand we have created a unique community over 250 specialistswhose needs we listen to and with whom we develop our products and applications.



Moms outstanding technology teamwho is ready to cope with any task. Together we have created over 10 marketable products, including 12 month R&D project per app Therply VR, comprising mobile app, VR app and backend. What makes us stand out this we make the application together with experts.



We create applications that meet the needs experts and We confirm their effectiveness in research. We start each application with Review of research and meta-analyses on the selected topic, and then we create a team of specialists and practitionerswho co-develop and test our applications.

Our solution

Theraply VR Platform


A virtual tool that delivers real results

Developed in collaboration with experts, Theraply VR offers students interactive experiences to support their development. Thanks to the combination of technology and the expertise of specialists, each session is extremely engaging and effective.


Advanced analytics to support therapy

Therapists have full access to analytical tools that collect detailed data from each session. This allows you to monitor progress and individually adjust the therapy to the needs of the patients.


Advanced analytics to support therapy

The application is fully available in Polish. Extremely simple and intuitive interface, it has been designed to provide maximum comfort when using the tool during therapy sessions..

Pioneering facilities that have already implemented our tools:

Get to know VR

Current events

Take advantage of educational materials to discover the incredible possibilities that Virtual Reality brings:

Get started with VR today!

Contact us by clicking the button below, and we will comprehensively help you implement virtual reality technology in your facility and prepare you for your daily work.


Our latest posts

Zastosowanie mindfulness w szkole to skuteczna metoda wspierająca uczniów w radzeniu sobie ze stresem, poprawie koncentracji oraz rozwijaniu kompetencji społecznych. Regularne ćwiczenia, takie jak oddech uważności czy wizualizacje, sprzyjają lepszemu przyswajaniu wiedzy i redukcji napięcia. Wprowadzenie nowoczesnych technologii, takich jak wirtualna rzeczywistość (VR), dodatkowo wzmacnia efekty treningu uważności, zapewniając uczniom immersyjne, relaksujące środowisko do nauki i rozwoju emocjonalnego.
Wokół VR w edukacji nadal krąży wiele mitów. Odkryj, jak technologia VR może zmieniać naukę, terapię i wspierać rozwój uczniów. Czy VR naprawdę jest drogie, trudne w obsłudze lub szkodliwe? Sprawdź!
Wirtualna rzeczywistość (VR) coraz częściej znajduje swoje zastosowanie w edukacji, przynosząc korzyści zarówno uczniom, jak i nauczycielom. Wprowadzenie VR do szkół może m.in. znacząco zwiększyć motywację uczniów, poprawić wyniki nauki oraz wspierać osoby ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi.