About Us

We educate, create, inspire.

Our mission at Unicorn VR World is to provide the best quality VR therapy that helps improve your quality of life.

Unicorn VR World was
born out of passion

The company was formed from the merger of family superpowers. Our story began in 2019 when we came up with the idea of using VR technology to support the education of children on the autism spectrum. Along the winding road, hundreds of hours spent honing our solution, we have created a platform that we support in the development, rehabilitation and treatment of neuro-developmental problems.

Date of creation
Trained Therapists
About Us

Needs come first

The solutions we create are distinguished by an in-depth understanding of the needs and challenges of our target groups. Although our applications are created on computers in the office, they are based on many hours of talk, testing and refinement.



We love new technologies and we want to use them responsibly.



We not only train but also integrate. We have created a community of over 270 VR therapists.



When creating our applications, we do them with you, Specialists, in order to provide the best possible solution to your problems.


Our team

Even the best project would be nothing without an experienced and well-rounded team!

Jakub Kreft
CEO, co-founder
Programista, twórca ponad 10 róznych projeków AR, VR i mobile.
Wojciech Kreft
COO, co-founder
Pscyholog, wykładowca akademicki, trener i Terapeuta VR.
Marcin Szewczyk
Programista, magik w świecie cyfrowym
Programista i twórca prototypów.
Wojciech Matusz
3D Generalist
Absolwent architektury, grafik 3D, video/foto creator
Maria Kolasińska-Kaczmarzyk
Marketing Specialists
Marketing Specialists
Justyna Bogusław
Terapeutka, współprowadząca Kurs Terapeuty VR
Pedagog, oligofrenopedagog, terapeutka osób z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu i terapeuta behawioralna.
Magdalena Benedyk
Terapeutka, współprowadząca Kurs Terapeuty VR
Terapeutka, współprowadząca Kurs Terapeuty VR

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